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Showing posts from May, 2019


Everyday of life, is indeed a day with value and honor before God. but this special day, the last day in the month of may, is a special date, and a special day, that can never fade away without fulfilling it value. remarks, and memories are pleasantly attached to it. it all about a mutual friend, whom her value, and virtue can never be erase out of my heart. chinasa A.F. whom i chose to call a model. join me to celebrate this model. filled with specification of idea's, values, and moral all day long. kind_heart. chifyness of y.c.t. a mother of kind heart, caring and humble to humility. her motion and view are supportive in all ramification, quiet in nature, my gist mate, my model. my humble lady friend. always on the go to set a difference that define her true value. never tired to help. never complain of supporting one's idea's to manifest to a greater lenegth. what can i say, than to appreciate you in all sphere you've been supporting. on this special day, heaven ...


Everyday of life, is indeed a day with value and honor before God. but this special day, the last day in the month of may, is a special date, and a special day, that can never fade away without fulfilling it value. remarks, and memories are pleasantly attached to it. it all about a mutual friend, whom her value, and virtue can never be erase out of my heart. chinasa A.F. whom i chose to call a model. join me to celebrate this model. filled with specification of idea's, values, and moral all day long. kind_heart. chifyness of y.c.t. a mother of kind heart, caring and humble to humility. her motion and view are supportive in all ramification, quiet in nature, my gist mate, my model. my humble lady friend. always on the go to set a difference that define her true value. never tired to help. never complain of supporting one's idea's to manifest to a greater lenegth. what can i say, than to appreciate you in all sphere you've been supporting. on this special day, heaven ...

My Child

ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR MOTHER, AND NEVER FORGET TO ASK GOD, TO BLESS HER. MUMMY, YOU MEAN A LOT TO MY WORLD. I fought with death when I was giving birth to you. I spent sleepless nights when you were sick and crying. I never ate without feeding you first. I bore so many pains to bring you to the stage that you are in today. _How will you repay me my child_? *Child:* When I grow up, I will find a good job and earn lots of money for you so you can enjoy the pleasures of this world. *Mother:* Your father is doing this already and I do not expect this from you too. By the time you are earning I will be old and will not be in need of any worldly luxuries. *Son:* I will find a pious lady and marry her so she can cook for you and take care of you. *Mother:* That is not her duty my son and neither should you marry for that reason. It is not compulsory on her to do any service to me, neither do I expect this from her. Your marriage should be for you, a companion and a comfort for you as you ... MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE : Nothing you dream to achieve, you actually work toward to that you will fail to achieve. it only been determine by level of conceration, and... MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE Nothing you dream to achieve, you actually work toward to that you will fail to achieve. it only been determine by level of conceration, and determination will build you up to that very lenegth you aspire to go. No bound of limitation that is levied upon any man in life. it only your focus, and determination speaks. NNAMDI A.M QUOTE


Nothing you dream to achieve, you actually work toward to that you will fail to achieve. it only been determine by level of conceration, and determination will build you up to that very lenegth you aspire to go. No bound of limitation that is levied upon any man in life. it only your focus, and determination speaks. NNAMDI A.M QUOTE.

motivational thought.

Standing and making a progress in your area of deserved all the mutual effort in which you need develop your own part upon. Every man has a define goal. processing your value and idea are build thought lesson. every being has what it desire to have. what you desire are treasure which are not too hidden to unleash, only if you understanding the importance of purpose and opportunity.


Hoping and following the power of the mind, is a thought that need every action to digest. imagine a situation when great thought fly into the mind, what is the brainy action you take. you thought of power of consideration. what do you do.? You ask questions that trouble the mind. you develop new skill part to overcome the situation with a new idea. Your Action Your Action is a result of your mind determination.


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, spirit of doubt and fear has eaten up some of our dream focus aim.. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous, proud, giant, skillful DON'T HURT A SOUL' ... Actually who are you not to be? Your playing low doesn't serve the world. We were born to manifest the glory of God that's within us, And as we let our light shine;we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same and more better in there own area of endeavor in life. which stand the gap of destiny fulfillment.

my focus

“We all want happiness, rich relationships, abundant and fulfilling lives, vibrant health and a winning mindset. The access to all these gifts is available to us for the asking if we are willing to commit to the path of personal development and allow each day to provide us with countless opportunities for developing our inner wisdom,


The process which defines what you are today, are as a resuit of what you've plan to be. what you've invested your time in, and your mental attitude toward what you believe in.
The process which defines what you are today, are as a resuit of what you've plan to be. what you've invested your time in, and your mental attitude toward what you believe in.