About Us Nnamdiscoblogspot.com nnamdi S- Social C-Commitment O-Oriented. About Us nnamdiscoblogspot.com. It all began years back when the founder NNAMDI MARCELLINUS AMANSO. discovered his passion for writing, speaking on thought that are filled with Grace, and life motivation. not only was his passion motivational or inspirational but also filled with insights that transforms the mind to act in a rightful channel. God revealed to him to get establish on a platform medium through which this ideas can reach people at ease. The origin of the Name: nnamdiscoblog.com Did not just began as a fun, it begin as a God inspired part to give courage to life, and add more value to human living. I'm NNAMDI by name and the coined of S.C.O are; SOCIAL In life, before you stand firm and get to where you ever dream to be. you ought to be social to people. you ought to enroll with the society, interact with people, thereby you get the real resource you can use to implement a new life. ...
Welcome to Nnamdisco.blogspot.com The home of motivational and inspiration speech. Get the word. BE INSPIRED ON EVERY STEP THAT DESERVED THE IDEA. Inspirational quotes, and motivational speeches. a coach. all written by, AMANSO MARS NNAMDI. INSPIRED BY GOD. powered by AMANSO MARCELLINUS NNAMDI. +2347083203071.