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Showing posts from November, 2019


No matter what you are going through right now, hold your head up high. You have won battles and defeated things that were designed to break you. Be proud of that. Sometimes the hardest lessins you learn are the ones your soul needs most. Knowing this doesn't make the lesson any easier, but it should give an understanding as to why you've went through those hard times. Your past was never a mistake if you learned anything from it. Keep moving forward knowing how incredible you are.
Oft time, the step we took may not really define a path we ought to walk along with. But in anything you do in life, always take a step that defines a walk with a proper insight that will lead you in a direction that worth living in. Take a step that will transform a life, and also add more value to your reputation in the society.

Motivation Mediation

Oft time, the step we took may not really define a path we ought to walk along with. But in anything you do in life, always take a step that defines a walk with a proper insight that will lead you in a direction that worth living in. Take a step that will transform a life, and also add more value to your reputation in the society.


There are so many thought that runs through the mind of every man, individual. every minute. either for good, or for evil. when your situation are not functioning how expected, don't allow the evil communication steal away your future hope, and expectation. there are so many thing that fly in the wind. bird, and other being, of God creature. it what you imagine, and how your respond to life most time matters. There are moment in one's life when situations began to treat one unfair to decide. when obstacle subdue the vision of a man drastically. when words spoken began to have an impact that are not want expecting. Don't feel that the situation is bigger than any other thing in life, Believe you me, God treat your hope, with the level of your faith. and wait for a turn around.

The wind blow

The wind blow. The moment, season, and year end approach. with a lot on the mind to fulfill. The year kicked-off with a lot of wishes, and burning desire. this moment, this season. Much began to trouble the mind, and thinking memories of everyone who has not accomplished all he/she set as the year began. Without you taking a great stand, and proper definition of all you've wished, and working toward making it a vision reality, all desire's turn-out been a mere wish, which are never fulfilled. Take a Great Stand on all you've wished, and toward making it manifest. NNAMDI A.M.

The Law Of Greatness

Develop a confident expectation of good for your future, knowing that your best days are ahead of you. The best idea for Greatness in mind and the ability to make a difference. Develop a confident expectation of good for your future, knowing that your best days are ahead of you. NNAMDI A.M. The mind of every leader is to make an impact and improve the standard of his people welfare in life. Setting might prove this thought void, but he who has the affirmation will always play the part that are deserved. he who inspire great' must follow and work according to the law and affirmation of greatness. Don't play the game, follow the role, and build a standard with a difference It my view, Made Made : Tough time, when tough decision are made. what left with a man is now been called an experience of life. Everyone continue to journey in dif... Tough time, when tough decision are made. what left with a man is now been called an experience of life. Everyone continue to journey in different direction in other to make a good living. but on the process what left is quiet unknown/ unspoken. what a surprise!!!! picking a good courage is the hint substance which shows you've learnt from what you called an experience. // FLASHBACKMEMORY/ /. NNAMDI A.M.


Tough time, when tough decision are made. what left with a man is now been called an experience of life. Everyone continue to journey in different direction in other to make a good living. but on the process what left is quiet unknown/unspoken. what a surprise!!!! picking a good courage is the hint substance which shows you've learnt from what you called an experience. //FLASHBACKMEMORY//. NNAMDI A.M.


Tough time, when tough decision are made. what left with a man is now been called an experience of life. Everyone continue to journey in different direction in other to make a good living. but on the process what left is quiet unknown/unspoken. what a surprise!!!! picking a good courage is the hint substance which shows you've learnt from what you called an experience. //FLASHBACKMEMORY//. NNAMDI A.M.


Tough time, when tough decision are made. what left with a man is now been called an experience of life. Everyone continue to journey in different direction in other to make a good living. but on the process what left is quiet unknown/unspoken. what a surprise!!!! picking a good courage is the hint substance which shows you've learnt from what you called an experience. //FLASHBACKMEMORY//. NNAMDI A.M.


The mind of men are filled with imagination of thought, and wishes. Frequently people fail to differentiate what their vision are in other to get things done.