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DESIRE Taking enough time to ponder on a task before embarking toward such and event demand a concrete thought or reasoning. in a time of moment with people who are focus and active, i often felt, it as a result of personal cultivation of positive thinking and been able to Cleve unto what you really want. let people within your sphere get to know you in a rightful direction. Your speech touches lives, and it matter who you affect with your believe. BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN SELF ABILITY... BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN SELF ABILITY... : ACHIEVE BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN SELF ABILITY... YOU ACHIEVE IN WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. YOU CAN'T ACHIEVE WANT YOU BELIEVE NOT. 'YOUR... VISION CAN BE VISIBLE WHEN FULLY FULFILLED AMANSO MARCELLINUS NNAMDI my vision are to create a friendly community where people can rely for their resourceful impact. idea'a are generated, base on your vision and insight.. BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN SELF ABILITY... BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN SELF ABILITY... : ACHIEVE BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN SELF ABILITY... YOU ACHIEVE IN WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN. YOU CAN'T ACHIEVE WANT YOU BELIEVE NOT. 'YOUR... VISION CAN BE VISIBLE WHEN FULLY FULFILLED AMANSO MARCELLINUS NNAMDI my vision are to create a friendly community where people can rely for their resourceful impact. idea'a are generated, base on your vision and insight..


people have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar." In my experience, what usually stops people from pursuing their goals and dreams is that stepping out and trying something new feels unfamiliar and scary… And so - even though they may not be totally happy with where they currently are in life - they subconsciously do what they can to stay there, because they find comfort in the predictability. If you've ever felt this fear (or perhaps you're feeling it now), one of the best ways to overcome it, so that you can spring into action, is to surround yourself with the right support network, put GOD FIRST. And the rightful set of people who have passion for your kind of goal.


// FEELING SO GRATEFUL UNTO GOD // The struggle journey begin's with pen, and paper. and today is turning out becoming of object oriented programming. indeed within the sphere of struggle and success. one struggle all alone, but the success story is awaiting to influence by million of people. it takes courage to stand firm. it takes focus to remain in the game. it takes dream oriented to associate with the rightful set of people. Success to all my team mate who pen down today. the higher we stand. Success is assured. It God all the way. #feelingthankfuluntoGod#


I call this "Circle of Influence.” . The people you choose to surround yourself with can either inspire you to create new exciting realities for yourself, or they can cripple your success by making you doubt who you are and what you're capable of. So be mindful of who you spend your time with! Your future happiness really does depend on it