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Rules of Happiness – Rule #1 – Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself! Self-pity is the very worst kind of emotion. It destroys everything around itself, and leaves you feeling powerless. Stop being the victim, stop feeling sorry for yourself – and be happy. Rule #2 – Be Grateful The world is so fast-paced that we’re rarely grateful of its gifts. Think of all the things you’re grateful for right now: family, health, home, everything. Spend time being grateful each day – and be happy. Rule #3 – Say Yes More We each say “No!” way too often. Try saying “Yes!” more to all of life’s experiences. Don’t fight the river’s current. Say “Yes!” more to emotions, situations, social invitations – and be happy. Rule #4 – Follow Your Bliss In life, we often find ourselves half-way up a ladder we don’t want to climb, rather than at the bottom of one we do. What do you really want to be? Follow your own bliss – and be happy. Rule #5 – Learn to Let Go Emotions often hold us back from true happiness and freedo...


Experience in the life of a man. if opportunity could allow time fly, what are the value of memory. EXPERIENCE. A word of great remark to keep in touch with. Each and every generation can't live without flash back of back dated experience in the past. why have everyone adhere to the word that experience is the best life teacher. some more hint coming soon.


DECIDE It is time to stop looking outside yourself for the answer to why you haven't created the life and results you want, for it is you who creates the quality of the life you lead and the result you produce. You - no one else. To achieve major success in life- to achieve those things that are important to you- you must assume 100% responsibility for your life. Don't allow another party to take, nor decide the final conclusion over you. You have a major role to play in building your lifestyle, why other's have a mini role to play.


Many people seem to go through life as if they have an anchor behind them, weighing them down. Imagine if they could release it, how much faster they'd be able to move and how much more success they'd have. Perhaps this is you – holding on to past hurts, incompletes, anger, or fear. Yet, releasing this "anchor" could be the final step you need to move on from your past so you can embrace the future. The truth is, we've all made mistakes and have gone through challenges in life. But it's not your mistakes or challenges that define you. It's what you learn from these experiences that truly matters. How you think about the past can either be a great source of motivation, or it can interfere with your happiness and hold you back from living your best life. So, how do you put the past behind you and embrace your ideal future?


You cannot undo what’s already done, and holding on to anger and resentment because of a past mistake or failure will slow down your journey toward the future you’ve always envisioned for yourself. But when you acknowledge and focus on your past successes, your subconscious will begin to work harder to attract the people and resources needed to help you achieve your ideal future