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Life on purpose

Life on purpose. i took a rethink of instance on issue, and life event, i came to realize that the history and journey of life start with a step forward. Experience Positive thought are often lesson learnt in other to keep up with a positive think. Ask! what do you learnt from your past and current experience, what do you call an experience A lot runs through my mind whenever i hear the term experience. My life experience started from when.?


People only appreciate the Glory of your success in life. what do we actually adhere unto when the society are not fulfilling it part in order to achieve a positive, from which people will. i sense a situation in a society were people are filled with different opportunity to think and ponder upon on several bases. We choose to work to earn a living. We work to solve our life purpose, and also take care of our personal well being. hmm. Experience


Rules of Happiness – Rule #1 – Stop Feeling Sorry for Yourself! Self-pity is the very worst kind of emotion. It destroys everything around itself, and leaves you feeling powerless. Stop being the victim, stop feeling sorry for yourself – and be happy. Rule #2 – Be Grateful The world is so fast-paced that we’re rarely grateful of its gifts. Think of all the things you’re grateful for right now: family, health, home, everything. Spend time being grateful each day – and be happy. Rule #3 – Say Yes More We each say “No!” way too often. Try saying “Yes!” more to all of life’s experiences. Don’t fight the river’s current. Say “Yes!” more to emotions, situations, social invitations – and be happy. Rule #4 – Follow Your Bliss In life, we often find ourselves half-way up a ladder we don’t want to climb, rather than at the bottom of one we do. What do you really want to be? Follow your own bliss – and be happy. Rule #5 – Learn to Let Go Emotions often hold us back from true happiness and freedo