If you've ever struggled with finding your purpose and reason for being, than you're absolutely going to love what I have to share with you. The truth is, every person ever born, and everything ever created has a definite purpose. There's also SPECIFIC reason as to why you exist, and it's your life's responsibility to find and unleash it on the world. Consider all the components of your body... Your eyes have a purpose so that you can see. Your nose has a purpose so that you can smell. Your fingers have a purpose so that you can touch. Your ears have a purpose so that you can hear. Your voice box has a purpose so that you can speak. Your feet have a purpose so that you can walk. Your lungs have a purpose so that you can breathe. Your heart has a purpose so that every aspect of your body can be purposeful. AND...if all of the components of your body have been created for a VERY DEFINITE PURPOSE, don't you think that YOU were as well? So... What's you're purpose? Why do you exist? What big impression on the world are you here to make?
Many people seem to go through life as if they have an anchor behind them, weighing them down. Imagine if they could release it, how much faster they'd be able to move and how much more success they'd have. Perhaps this is you – holding on to past hurts, incompletes, anger, or fear. Yet, releasing this "anchor" could be the final step you need to move on from your past so you can embrace the future. The truth is, we've all made mistakes and have gone through challenges in life. But it's not your mistakes or challenges that define you. It's what you learn from these experiences that truly matters. How you think about the past can either be a great source of motivation, or it can interfere with your happiness and hold you back from living your best life. So, how do you put the past behind you and embrace your ideal future?