I had a great conversation with my friend, which made me ponder on how we can be the best version of ourselves.
He told me the secret is to: Be Yourself.
Being yourself is to let go of whatever that is not serving you.
Many of us do not feel worthy to be great. In fact, we have to change our own perceptions of ourselves to accept us for being our true authentic self.
This is because we have been programmed by society and the environment to follow the crowd, please our bosses or be well-liked by our peers. As such, when we allow others to place a value on us, we lose confidence in our abilities, which disrupts the mental and emotional harmony within us.
To become the greatest version of yourself, you have to let go of society's expectations in order to be your true self. You need to be aware that people's opinions of you should not determine how you should be at your best.
You should also love yourself a 100 percent, no matter how inadequate you feel. It is better to be yourself, than a poor version of someone else.
I would recommend you to ask yourself at the start of the day: Can I be better today as compared to yesterday?
This will serve as a reminder to improve yourself further every single day.
Remember that YOU are already great!
Starting today, I am going to work towards being myself so that I'll become a better ME!
Many people seem to go through life as if they have an anchor behind them, weighing them down. Imagine if they could release it, how much faster they'd be able to move and how much more success they'd have. Perhaps this is you – holding on to past hurts, incompletes, anger, or fear. Yet, releasing this "anchor" could be the final step you need to move on from your past so you can embrace the future. The truth is, we've all made mistakes and have gone through challenges in life. But it's not your mistakes or challenges that define you. It's what you learn from these experiences that truly matters. How you think about the past can either be a great source of motivation, or it can interfere with your happiness and hold you back from living your best life. So, how do you put the past behind you and embrace your ideal future?