The secret of secrets is the consciousness of secrets. All the truths about life are not secrets, but they are hidden from us due to our ignorance. By thinking about the discovery of truths as a search for the secrets, we motivate our subconscious mind to go on a treasure hunt. The greatest treasure in this world is wisdom, and life is to be played as a treasure hunting game. Treasures are meant to be appreciated and so when you think of truths as secrets, your appreciative mindset will draw them all to you.
Your Soul desires you to know that there are unlimited energy possibilities surrounds you.
Whatever your current vision and dreams are, multiply them x1,000%! =)
That’s the type of manifestation powers available in these current energies.
Expand your dreams and visions way beyond your current perceived limitations, Marcellinus…
This is not the time to be shrinking to fit the apparent circumstances.
Today, I challenge you: Dare to dream big and believe in it!