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Life is like a bottle of water, whereby the water represents the things that are precious to us: time, energy, health, wealth, happiness and memories. The kind one will try to give out as much water as he can, often leaving little or none for himself. But the bottle gets magically refilled by the nature of his kind heart. The insecure one will try to get the biggest bottle and fill it to the brim, only to realise he can't drink all of the water in this lifetime. The positive and contented one is always happy that there is water in the bottle and feels blessed while the negative one always focus on the empty space in the bottle and feels inadequate. The rich and famous one owns a shiny gold bottle but sometimes there is little water inside, despite the lavish exterior. He is unable to find true friendship or love, despite having the bottle everyone dreams of having. The poor and ordinary one owns a bottle that no one fancies, yet it is sometimes filled with water that tastes sweet and refreshing. In this situation, the privileged becomes the underprivileged and the underprivileged turns privileged. To live a fulfilling life, it is never about the bottle you are holding but it is about the water that is inside and how you make of it. If you are thankful that you have water to drink every day, you will be happy. If you focus on building meaningful relationships with your loved ones and the people around you, then your water will taste sweet and refreshing. If you spend your time comparing bottles with others, always thinking that you do not have enough or always chasing after the next bigger size bottle or more water, then it is very likely you will be unhappy. Life is like a bottle of water, it is yours to keep so be proud of what you are given and make the best out of it.


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