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Showing posts from September, 2019 Years of success Years of success : After years of struggling to achieve any kind of goal in life... Years of success After years of struggling to achieve any kind of goal in life... one day everything became clear It was like the clouds were lifting and the Universe had provided the key to experiencing all the happiness any man or woman could ever want in life. The answers to the greatest problems in life often have the most simple answers and this is what I found one day when everything all of sudden became clear. The answer came in the form of one word... Awareness!! My previous lack of awareness had been holding me back before. I discovered that gaining awareness is the starting point for achieving anything you desire in life.

The lesson on character

The way to life .   The way that please a man most time in life is the way which wealth are made. what are the the  material that motivate the mind of a man, or woman if not money. indeed this day, money has taken the full shape of all the human thought. all that man thinks this day, is all about money vision. Forgetting the purpose of your creation was to come and accomplish a great as Christ   has ordain it unto a man. let not take this a core value because, if you only labor to make wealth, forgetting giving God his time, when the wind of season come, don't ask God where are you.   The things we do out of sight.  

The Goal (inspirational food)

It is easy for me to see the good in every situation. When challenges come, I see them as opportunities to learn and grow. I believe inside of every challenge there is a seed of an opportunity, and I’m committed to find it and creating something good. I’m quick to forgive myself and others. I practice giving gratitude and compassion to myself and others.

The Goal (inspirational food)

It is easy for me to see the good in every situation. When challenges come, I see them as opportunities to learn and grow. I believe inside of every challenge there is a seed of an opportunity, and I’m committed to find it and creating something good. I’m quick to forgive myself and others. I practice giving gratitude and compassion to myself and others.

The secret motivation

The secret of secrets is the consciousness of secrets. All the truths about life are not secrets, but they are hidden from us due to our ignorance. By thinking about the discovery of truths as a search for the secrets, we motivate our subconscious mind to go on a treasure hunt. The greatest treasure in this world is wisdom, and life is to be played as a treasure hunting game. Treasures are meant to be appreciated and so when you think of truths as secrets, your appreciative mindset will draw them all to you. Your Soul desires you to know that there are unlimited energy possibilities surrounds you. Whatever your current vision and dreams are, multiply them x1,000%! =) That’s the type of manifestation powers available in these current energies. Expand your dreams and visions way beyond your current perceived limitations, Marcellinus… This is not the time to be shrinking to fit the apparent circumstances. Today, I challenge you: Dare to dream big and believe in it! ...

Years of success

After years of struggling to achieve any kind of goal in life... one day everything became clear It was like the clouds were lifting and the Universe had provided the key to experiencing all the happiness any man or woman could ever want in life. The answers to the greatest problems in life often have the most simple answers and this is what I found one day when everything all of sudden became clear. The answer came in the form of one word... Awareness!! My previous lack of awareness had been holding me back before. I discovered that gaining awareness is the starting point for achieving anything you desire in life.                                          

The creative life

                                                         The Great impact of learning. 1> Transformation of the mind. it is the ability for one to transform his, or her mind of thinking. education and learning has a good influence on ones way of lifestyle. 2> Help to develop the in talent of a person education and learning also helps one to discover his in-talent ability.  writer: NNAMDI A.M.  

Live teaching

I had a great conversation with my friend, which made me ponder on how we can be the best version of ourselves. He told me the secret is to: Be Yourself. Being yourself is to let go of whatever that is not serving you. Many of us do not feel worthy to be great. In fact, we have to change our own perceptions of ourselves to accept us for being our true authentic self. This is because we have been programmed by society and the environment to follow the crowd, please our bosses or be well-liked by our peers. As such, when we allow others to place a value on us, we lose confidence in our abilities, which disrupts the mental and emotional harmony within us. To become the greatest version of yourself, you have to let go of society's expectations in order to be your true self. You need to be aware that people's opinions of you should not determine how you should be at your best. You should also love yourself a 100 percent, no matter how inadequate you feel. It is better to be yo...

Determination track.

Self Determination is the Rightfully part to Success. It is not what life hand's over to you, but it is how you respond to your situation that count. both mentally, and physically that matter's most... #Never forget that Jesus is the ultimate#. Always, Remain your humble self.


When you you decide to take control of your life and proactively move forward towards what you want, life will be on your side. Trust that you have the strength in you. You have the resilience to go the distance. Remember to focus on what you have accomplished and remind yourself of the amazing work you have done so far. And turn your focus towards what you want and start taking action to make your dreams a reality.

My journey

You were born at the right time to fulfill your purpose in life. whichever career you chose, bring out the best. because of it, your purpose of the creature you're fulfilling. ..First, concentrate on finding your purpose, then concentrate on fulfilling it. Never loss Focus, nor passion. NNAMD A.M. QUOTE.


Nothing keeps you awake than the purpose of your discovery. NNAMDI A.M. discover your aim, and set the roadmap to get that done. Every man often has a story to tell about his life experience BUT THE HINT OF LIFE ARE; The greatest challenge is discovering who you are, and the second greatest is been happy with what you find. NNAMDI A.M. RELOADED WITH LATEST HINT. Trust the next chapter, because you're the author. Nothing in life can affect you if only YOU stay on what you want. Human's are subject to an idea, while your belief let you set a difference. NNAMDI A.M